I am nothing but a writer. That is what I am, no more, no less. I live my life to simply vibe off life and tell people like it is. If there is one thing I need to write about it, it is love. People today do not understand love. It is just a word; Tossed around like a toy. Let me be the first to tell you, love is more then a verb. It's a feeling, an emotion. It has been lost over the years. Love is not a drunken hook up at a party on Saturday night. Love is not casual sex. Love is something more.
I have been in what I call love for a year and month, to be specific, with a beautiful girl. Sure, it started like everything else, as a feeling. Her voice made me feel like I was somewhere else if only for a short period of time. Her eyes were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, so deep and so blue, man I could have lost myself in them. With time, the feelings alone grew and got more intense. Her kiss made me melt like a snowman in Arizona. Her hands could have ripped my still beating heart out and I still would have felt like a hundred bucks just because she was that close to me. I had never met a girl that made me that happy in my life.
I fell head over heels for her and never looked back. The road to love is a rough one, with stories, exaggerations and rumors being spread like wildfire. I still kept my head and my love, only to be ever so cautious on the path I followed and the people I followed down it. People might say I am crazy for spending most of my time with her. Frankly, I don't give a damn. When you have something so good, so pure, so real that you would give your whole world up for it, nothing else will do. Its a drug that you can't kick and you don't care. It could make you drop dead tomorrow and you wouldn't be moved to drop it because you would die with butterflies in your stomach and a smile on your face. That is love.
I fell head over heels for her and never looked back. The road to love is a rough one, with stories, exaggerations and rumors being spread like wildfire. I still kept my head and my love, only to be ever so cautious on the path I followed and the people I followed down it. People might say I am crazy for spending most of my time with her. Frankly, I don't give a damn. When you have something so good, so pure, so real that you would give your whole world up for it, nothing else will do. Its a drug that you can't kick and you don't care. It could make you drop dead tomorrow and you wouldn't be moved to drop it because you would die with butterflies in your stomach and a smile on your face. That is love.
What I am trying to say is if you have found love, the real love, don't let anything destroy it. Let it grow and build up around you. No one in life can give you love like that one special person. Would you give up a million dollars if that made you happy? Would you stop making art because other people didn't like it? No. It it made you happy, you would keep at it and with time your love for it only grows and things only get better. I am not about to leave behind what I love. I never have and I never will.
I love you Diana Z. With all my Heart and Soul

I love you Diana Z. With all my Heart and Soul